Marine Security Systems

Security Systems for Boats

We Can Protect Your Boat!

Alpha Integrated offers many services for mariners to monitor their vessel. Our system runs on 12 volts (so there is no need for shore power) communicates using integrated WIFI and Cellular services.

As long as you have cellular service, the system can alert you of the problem.

Security Monitoring For Boats

Our monitoring station gives you 24/7 service and is ULC certified.  Alpha Integrated's marine security montioring will alert you of a problem whether your vessel is tied up at your home dock or you are tied up to a dock in the gulf islands and you are sitting in a pub. 

Marine Intrusion Detection Devices for Boat Security

Alpha can monitor any or all of these devices (as long as there is cellular service to the vessel) so that in the event that you are unavailable or miss the alert from your vessel, alternate references (that you have designated) can be called.

  • Door / Window / Hatch position sensors
  • Infra-red motion detectors
  • Glass break detectors
  • Infra-red motion/camera detectors
  • Shock/Vibration sensors

Video Verification For Your Boat's Motion / Camera Detector

Alpha also offers Video Verification of intrusion alerts using the Motion / Camera detector.  There is an indoor as well as an outdoor version of this detector.  When the motion detector picks up motion, a series of pictures are sent to either our monitoring station, your smart phone or both.  This virtually eliminates false alarms.

Environmental Monitoring Devices for Marine Vessels

Alpha can also help you keep your vessel on top of the water by alerting you to potential devastating conditions.  We can let you know if the power fails to your vessel, if the temperature in the vessel falls below a critical level or the water in the bilge rises above a critical level.  (Check your insurance policy closely since some insurance companies now deny claims for damage resulting from freezing temperatures. i.e. frozen thru-hull failure).

Our monitoring services for marine vessels includes:

  • High water
  • Low temperature
  • Shore power fail
  • Explosive gas
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Smoke
  • Heat/Rate of Rise

Need a security system for your boat? Contact Alpha Integrated today.