
6 Tips for Building Security

July 27th, 2021 in Building Security
6 Tips for Building Security

To maximize safety and security, here are 6 tips for building security:

  1. Know the risks you are facing. Research the potential risks and plan your security program around those risks.
    Secure the perimeter. Safety and security is greatly enhanced by installing adequate lighting in areas such as parking lots, break areas, stairwells and dark hallways. Consider external motion activated lights and internal lights that make your building look occupied even when there is no one around.
  2. Access control and regulation. Using an access control system enables you to control WHO accesses your building, WHEN they can access and even exactly WHERE they can go.
  3. Security cameras. It’s important to strategically locate cameras so maximum coverage is achieved for each unit installed. More than being tools for recording all activity in your building, they also serve as deterrents and contribute to creating a safe environment for your facility.  
  4. Key control. If an electronic access control system is not applicable for your particular situation, having an established procedure for controlling and distributing keys is important. Assign key custodianship and the responsibility of locking and unlocking the office/building to a few select individuals.
  5. Clear policies on security. Make sure that all employees are on the same page, trained on your security procedures and have all your procedures in writing. A big percentage of breaches are a result of insider action.

Now that you know the 6 tips for building security, how many have you implemented? Need help getting started? Visit www.alphaintegrated.ca for security solution details and a quote.