
Hackers are Keeping up with Technology – You Need to be Smarter

December 3rd, 2021 in Security Solutions
Hackers are Keeping up with Technology – You Need to be Smarter

Did you know that in less than 60 seconds, proximity fobs can be hacked? Potentially a fob on a keychain could be copied if a keychain is left laying around or through a purse or a coat pocket.

Security technology is advancing at an impressively fast pace. That would be great news if hackers weren’t getting smarter and more sophisticated just as fast.

Unfortunately, physical access control systems, the first line of defense against unauthorized entry into buildings and businesses, can be hacked.

What’s more worrying, especially for organizations that rely on outdated security technology, is that it doesn’t take a highly skilled person or expensive equipment to hack an access control system.

The low frequency (125Khz) of the technology on older access control systems (and even some current ones) leaves a gaping hole for hackers and identity thieves to steal the unencrypted information.

All they need is an inexpensive card reader/writer to steal the credentials and create a duplicate card. Your identity and access codes become available to anyone in close to the proximity card. Your security system is then tracking an intruder under the guise of an authorized employee or visitor. You don’t “see” who’s accessing your facility, so your security is compromised.

That’s why Alpha Integrated Alpha sells DESFire (Data Encryption Standard Fast, Innovative, Reliable and Secure) EV-2 format proximity credentials which are very difficult, if not impossible, to hack since they contain a full microprocessor and more security features.

The good news is if you put the necessary safeguards in place and take precautions with key card usage, you can significantly minimize the opportunity for hackers manipulating vulnerabilities in your access control system to gain access to your building.

Not sure if your system is up to date? Give the Alpha Integrated team a call and we can make sure that your business is protected properly with today’s technology.