Environmental Alarms & Monitoring

Sinking boat

Boats Need Protection From More Than Just Intruders

In addition to monitoring for intrusion, there are many other threats to your boat as well as your safety.

Fire, carbon monoxide, gas leaks, high water conditions, freezing temperatures and shore power failures can all be monitored using Alpha Integrated's environmental alarms and monitoring.

Fire Alarms and Monitoring for Boats 

Boats bring together many flammable materials and sources of ignition in a relatively small area. A fire can be started by something as simple as a bad electrical connection, or a heater placed to close to something flammable.

To protect you and your boat Alpha offers Smoke detectors which detect the ionized particles a fire produces of Rate of Rise Heat Detectors that detect a rapid increase in the temperature of a closed space.

Early detection of a fire can minimize the damage to your boat and may even save the life of you or someone you love.

Carbon Monoxide Dectectors for Boats

Whenever you have an enclosed space that is exposed to the exhaust/gases from combustion, you have the potential for Carbon Monoxide poisoning. This is particularly important in boats where you have multiple sources of combustion and an enclosed living space.

Whether it is a backdraft from you engine exhaust or a propane oven that gets left on accidently, Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer.

To protect you, Alpha offers Carbon Monoxide detectors that not only trigger a local alarm to alert you to get to fresh air but also can send a signal to our monitoring station to call you or emergency response services.

Explosive Gas Monitors for Boats

Boats are particularly vulnerable to the collection of explosive gases in enclosed areas such as the engine room/compartment. 

Alpha offers devices to detect explosive gases so measures can be taken to protect the safety of those onboard and rectify the problem before it becomes catastrophic.

Of course, the alarm will be forwarded to our monitoring station so even if you are not present at you boat, you will be alerted to the problem.

High Water Detectors for Boats

Every boater’s nightmare is that their boat is sinking, and they aren’t aware of it until it is too late. Whether a through-hull has failed, or a pipe has burst, when the bilge water level reaches our sensor, you will be alerted on your smart phone, no matter where you are (as long as there is cell/wifi service).

Freezing Temperature Monitors for Boats

Cold temperatures freeze pipes in boats. This can happen if a heater in the boat quits working or Shore Power fails.

If a through-hull freezes it will burst (and/or a pipe connected to it). When it thaws, water will rapidly fill your boat potentially causing severe damage and maybe even a total loss.

Did you know that many insurance companies deny claims due to burst pipes? It is deemed that there was a failure on the part of the boat owner to properly maintain/service the boat.

Alpha Integrated has sensors that will alert you when the temperature in your boat drops below 5 Degrees Celsius giving you time to rectify the problem.

Shore Power Failure Detectors for Boats

Failure of Shore Power to your boat may not be immediately catastrophic but over time can result in damage. It can result in heaters having no power resulting in frozen pipes, or a failure of your bilge pump once the batteries run down.

Alpha can monitor your Shore Power and if it turns off, you can be alerted on your smart phone as well as our monitoring station will call a list of references that you provide us to make sure there is a response.

Want to monitor your boat for enviromental threats? Contact Alpha Integrated today.